Ancient wisdom. Modern science. Common sense.
Your body’s natural intelligence knows how to keep you healthy. But figuring out what your body needs to do this is not always obvious. Ayureka provides clarity. We teach a common sense approach to healthy living. It is based on knowledge from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, but viewed through the lens of modern-day science. It empowers you with an understanding of how daily diet and lifestyle decisions uniquely impact your wellbeing. You learn to make simple changes and smarter decisions for a more vibrant life. Are you ready to move in the right direction?
Our Blog
Ayureka provides valuable insight and on-going support to help you take charge of your wellbeing.
Check out posts below:
Five Healthy Habits that Support Weight Loss
Ayurveda recognizes that the best way to embrace change is to build a strong foundation for future improvements.
The Healing Power of Seasonal Foods: Radishes to the Rescue!
Ayurveda advocates common sense, grounded in recognition that we were designed to exist in harmony nature.
Get Your Garshana On: Add Dry Brushing to Your Daily Routine
Garshana is a “lymphatic massage.” It’s a simple, energizing technique with amazing benefits.
When “Healthy” Isn’t Healthy: Ixnay the Olive Oil Spray
Olive oil is a vital part of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. What could be wrong with packaging this oil in a convenient spray can?
Does a “One-Size-Fits-All” World Really Make Sense?
Self-knowledge helps you understand your true nature and how well you are aligned with it.
Ten Ayurvedic Tips for Staying Healthy in March
March is the month when the fierce, cold and rough winter takes a final turn toward the gentle softness of spring.
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Through our blog we provide valuable insight and on-going support to help
you take charge of your own wellbeing.
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The more you learn about Ayurveda, the more you understand why it is so relevant today. The science enables self-knowledge and teaches how diet and lifestyle decisions can sustain wellbeing. Our online educational content and practitioner-led workshops present principles and lessons in a clear, fun and thought-provoking context.